Ventive Sustainability and Environmental Policy
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At Ventive, we believe that the recycling and reuse of waste materials are key pillars of a truly sustainable future.
We are focused on sending nothing to landfill and are committed to ensuring that as much as possible is reused, recycled or recovered:

To this end, Ventive have secured contracts with various disposal companies to ensure any waste which we do generate will avoid landfill, using greener, safer alternatives.
As a result, Ventive now recycles almost all wastes including cardboard, paper, metal, glass, and plastic, as well as waste electronic and electrical equipment. Our disposal partners process the waste to ensure as much recyclable material as possible is removed and recovered for recycling.
Anything that we can’t recycle is taken to a waste-to-energy plant, where the residual waste is processed into RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel) to produce electricity and fuel all manner of processes this completely takes Landfill, one of the largest contributors to Green House Gas emissions, out of the equation eliminating the harm it does to our environment.
Although we are a small company, we feel it is necessary to demonstrate our environmental conscience in both our offices and our manufacturing process and we strive to ensure Carbon miles are limited as are wasteful processes (being green is as much business efficiency as anything else).
Download Ventive Sustainability and Environmental Policy here…